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Frequently-Asked Questions
These are some of the most common questions we get from our patients at Clarity Hearing Care:
Which brand of hearing aid is the best?While all the major hearing aid companies make great products, sometimes one brand in particular may be ideal for one person, while another brand may work better for someone else. Sometimes it's simply a matter of anatomy (one brand/style may fit a persons ear better than the others). In other cases one brand may offer a particular style, technology or accessory which suits a person's needs better. Sometimes it's best to try a few different brands to find out which one is preferred. Many hearing care clinics only offer one hearing aid brand, which greatly reduces the likelihood of finding the best possible option. We feel it's always ideal to have as many options as possible to ensure that we will find the best solution for you!
How much do hearing aids cost?Advanced FDA-approved OTC (Over-The-Counter) devices are now available from $799/pair. Most advanced customized hearing aids range from $1,300-$4800/pair. Clarity Hearing Care strives to provide the latest technology from many manufacturers at the best prices for our patients!
How long does a hearing aid last?Most hearing aids are replaced at around 3 to 7 years of age. In many cases, the motivation to get fitted with new technology is how it would further benefit the patient in improving their results. Clarity Hearing Care provides upgrade specials to our patients to make upgrading more affordable.
How do I pick which hearing aid is right for me?The options in hearing care can be overwhelming. There is no “silver bullet” for any given hearing loss. The “ideal" hearing aid for each individual is a combination of fit, technology, adjustments, counseling, and follow-up care. Clarity Hearing Care strives to provide the best solution for each individual regardless of their budget.
How long does a hearing test take?A full hearing evaluation, consultation, and hearing aid demonstration will generally take around 1 to 1.5 hours. If it is detected early in the testing that there is no hearing loss or it is mild and would not benefit from hearing aids, the testing would conclude within 30 minutes. If a mild "gray area" hearing loss is detected, Clarity Hearing Care recommends yearly follow-up screenings.
How does the trial period work?The 30-day “trial period” starts when the patient actually receives their hearing aids. At that time, they are counseled on how to use their new devices properly. They will return for follow-up appointments within the trial period to make adjustments and optimize the results. Clarity Hearing Care does everything possible to ensure every new patient is experiencing the best results possible before they decide to keep their hearing aids. If they decided it’s not right for them, a 100% refund will be given.

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